
Why Should I Wear My Retainer?

Posted on 10/16/2019
Picture of top and bottom retainersAt Smile Power Orthodontics, we're proud to have helped countless patients in Walnut Creek achieve healthy, beautiful smiles through orthodontic treatment. But while most people know that treatments like braces and Invisalign are necessary for achieving that new smile, people often forget that there's another step in the treatment process that's just as important: retention. The retention phase follows the active phase of treatment no matter which orthodontic appliance you use, and to help you learn more about this crucial part of treatment, we'd like to dive into what makes wearing your retainer so important. 

The Importance of Retainers

When you first get your braces off or finish with your Invisalign treatment, we know you'll be excited - and you have a right to be. You're seeing your brand new smile for the very first time! But while this milestone certainly deserves celebration, it doesn't mean you're finished with your treatment. 

While your teeth may be in new positions at the end of treatment, the underlying ligaments and tissues that support your teeth haven't yet adapted to this new alignment. This means that as soon as your braces come off, those ligaments will start pulling on your teeth, causing them to gradually shift and regress back to their old positions. Left to their own devices, this can completely destroy your new smile and erase all your hard work. 

Your retainers serve to hold your teeth in place long enough for the ligaments and tissues of your mouth to adapt to your new tooth alignment, giving your teeth a chance to "set" into place. When worn for the proper amount of time, retainers serve to safeguard your new smile and protect it for years to come. This means your retainers are vital to the health and longevity of your new smile - so wearing them is critical to the outcome of your treatment. 

Reach Out to Your Walnut Creek, CA Orthodontist

Have more questions about retention or the orthodontic treatment process in general? Your Walnut Creek orthodontist is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about retainers and the role they play in orthodontic treatment, or feel free to request an appointment online to get started with your initial consultation. We can't wait to hear from you, and we're excited to help you achieve the smile of your dreams!
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